At Healthcare-in-Transition (HT), we empower our clients to win through competitive insight.
Whether managing organizational transitions, reporting patient outcomes, or administering clinical trials, the information that lies beneath the surface will play a major role in your success.

Let HT Mine the Information Field For You
Important insights from patients, physicians, and communities are often overlooked during the due diligence process. Yet these hidden insights can significantly affect the cost, timing and overall success of your transition.

HT provides fair and balanced patient perspectives to physicians and lifescience companies. Through our unique discovery process, HT reveals the deep perspectives that can only be obtained through a trusted, third party source.

The HT team
'peels back the layers', revealing and organizing information from each of these valuable resources in a way that enables our clients to make informed decisions at the most critical time.
The Physicians View
Non-Urban Healthcare

HT is the proud founding sponsor of:Calieb Logo9

“Through her years of practice, she has formulated a model that accurately gathers, interprets and categorizes information that is true to the integrity of the participants, but also results in strategies and action plans pertinent to the situation. She has been recognized numerous times for bringing a fresh perspective to topics of discussion, and creating ways to use new findings in a manner that promotes sustainable change.”
Bettina M. Beech, DrPH, MPH
Professor, Social Sciences and Health Policy
Wake Forest University School of Medicine
Co-Director, Maya Angelou Center for Health Equity